Friday, March 25, 2011

6 blogs. 6 nights. make-up for last night. March Madness.

I was watching the Duke, Arizona game with my good buddy Patrick Yankey last night.  After the Dukies got beat, I was so happy/ecstatic/joyful/crazy that I tired myself out and couldn't keep my eyes open after the game.  So that is why you got such a short blog and why I am going to make it up to you with a somewhat personal blog.

March Madness is one of my favorite times of the year because of college basketball going through the tournament and baseball season is starting to get in full swing.  Even though I see the Christian Laettner shot about a thousand times and the Cats give me a heart attack during every game I still pull through and see March as one of the best.  I think the word Madness really describes how March really is in the sports world.  We see so many upsets during that month that all it brings is madness.  History is made almost every day that a game is on.  It is full with a bunch of heart breaks but on the other end it can be one of the most joyful times of the year.  With March Madness literally going on in the sports world and serving this week at the homeless shelter my life has been somewhat of madness but also with another thing going on that I feel lead into sharing with you.

Have you been put into a situation that you have asked someone for trust?  Not just a little trust, but with a whole lot of trust that you are not for sure they can give you?  Here recently, I have found myself in that situation and at times I cry out to God asking "Why am I in this situation?"  I don't know if you personally have been in the same situation that I am in.  But I can almost promise that if you haven't, you have been in a very similar situation leading to the same prayer, "Why God?!"  While looking up the definition of the word "trust" I see two definitions that I really like.

 -Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
 -Confident expectation of something; hope.
Looking at those two definitions, I have hoped and prayed for the longest time that I was able to receive that during the time that I needed it the most.  Whether or not I got it, I am not for sure but I have been able to link the word "trust" to another word that has brought me comfort through this madness.  The word I am referring to is "faith".

-confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.
-belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion.
-strong or unshakeable belief in something, especially without proof or evidence.  
-trust in God and in his actions and promises.

If you ask me about linking these two words, I would answer by saying that in order to have faith you must have trust and vice-versa.  Looking at the Christian faith we see that it all relies on faith and trust.  We trust that God is real, that Jesus came to this earth in human form and died on a cross for our sins so that we may live and have eternal life through the Holy Spirit.  The big kicker about it all is that we can not physically see God with our own two eyes which brings in the word faith.  Bringing it down to earth, I feel that in our relationships with others and especially those that have "til death do us part" defining them, Faith and Trust play the key role.  I think what is beautiful in our world is when faith and trust come together in the most crucial times.  What is ugly and I personally cant stand and hate, is when people take advantage of the trust and faith that you have in them and make bad decisions thinking they can keep it a secret.  So, why must you go through situations where you put trust and faith in someone or something?  Why would God put you in situations dealing with trust and faith when the world tells you not to trust but deep down inside you feel that you should?  There can be a lot of doubt in this and a lot and I mean A LOT of stress and heart ache when having to put trust and faith into someone.  You may be wondering how I am going to tie in finding comfort through those two words, well in James 1 verses 2-4 you find your answer:

2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  -James 1:2-4

Right off the bat I like how verse two starts out, "consider it pure joy" as if James when writing this knew that it is very hard at times to put trust and faith into someone or something to happen especially when you are not there to see it.  His reasoning's of why to consider it joy is even better.  Verse three, he mentions that the testing of faith produces perseverance.  That when you go through "trials of many kinds" stick with it and keep your faith because it produces your perseverance which leads to your maturing and being complete.  I know he is more than likely referring this with Godly things, but when he mentions trials of many kinds, I also put in the worldly things that you put your trust in.  Yes, there are times that trust can be broken and tear someone apart but there are also times that trust and faith can strengthen relationships and make them complete and not lack anything.  When it is all said and done, it can all lead to the third definition of faith, "strong or unshakeable belief in something, especially without proof or evidence."  To receive that strong/unshakeable belief, we must go through times that call for the full trust and faith. 

-JDB, Go Cats!


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