Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lockegee Thought

My xbox 360 has been diagnosed with the red ring of death for about 2 months now (for those who have no clue what I am talking about, it was broke and didn't work).  All it has done is sit in my room and take up space until today when  I finally had the urge to try and fix it myself.  After watching Youtube videos I decided to try what is known as the towel method.  Basically you take three towels and wrap up the console very tight.  Turn it on and let it "bake" itself for about 25 minutes.  After the 25 minutes is up you take off all the towels, turn the console off and let it cool off for 15 minutes.  During that time my roommate Shaun was questioning the towel method, almost making fun of it.  Not seeing how something like that could fix the problem that I had at hand.  Like always, we decided to bet on whether or not we thought it would work.  We are boys, and that is what boys do.  If the 360 worked then he would have to stay up all night and head to class at 8 in the morning.  Long story short, it turned on.  Which meant video games at 2 in the morning.  After playing a little we had the idea of heading to Lockegee.  For those of you who are not from the Morehead area or just don't know what lockegee is, its a big rock that a lot of people go and take in the scenery in the middle of the Daniel Boone National Forest.

My favorite thing to do in Morehead is to go to lockegee.  Not just going to lockegee in the middle of the day though.  It has to be around 3 or 4 in the morning.  The reason why I like it in the middle of the night is the presence of God.  I love to sit on top of that big rock and feel that I can throw a rock that will land on the moon, watch shooting stars take off one after another, have weird encounters like little mice walking up to you or feeling the wind smack your face.  To me, that is God saying I am BIG!  The other reason that I love to visit lockegee when the moon is out is because it is calm.  It gives me a chance to think about life and get away from the world.  A lot of times I will take trips there just so I can think about something that happened that day or when my "cup" has ran over and I can not take it anymore and just need a time to get away from the world.

Tonight at lockegee, I brought a lot to the table.  There has been a lot of stuff running through my mind in the past few weeks that I haven't been able to get out because of the business of life.  2 weeks ago I was in Danville alone, my whole family had gone on vacation to Florida and it was just me at the house.    I had 4 days there alone of which I thought I was going to be able to clear my mind of the worldly distractions and think clearly about stuff.  For instance, my truck was broken into the last weekend of spring break which was the April 2nd and I still cant find a way to forgive who ever it was who did that.  That is something that normally I could forgive in about 2 days but three weeks later, really?  Those 4 days turned into work after work after work not thinking after thinking after thinking,  what I had intended for it to be.  Tonight, I was knocked down to my knees and needed to get away to do some thinking.  Lockegee worked out perfect as if God had it planned.  As I am spilling everything out to God, I realized that I had forgotten that God has a plan for me.  Do we really understand this?!  God, the Heavenly father/Alpha and Omega/Everything has a plan for us.  I know that God has called me to Youth Ministry but just because he has called me to one thing does not mean that is all of his plans for my life.  Sometimes I feel we get to caught up in the worldly distractions like: "Am I making enough money?  Am I able to support myself?  Am I a stable human being?  Am I making the right decisions in life?"  To me that is all distractions, "worldly views" so to say.  Distractions that take away from our faith.  The one thing we should be living by (2 Corinthians 5:7).  We need to stop trying to take matters in our own hands and ask a million questions, let God show us the path for our lives!  Through the bad and the good, God only allows things to happen so it can give us hope and a future.  He is the Author of Life!  He is the Author of OUR Life!  (Jeremiah 29:11).  All God asks for us is our Faith, along with acting justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with him (Micah 6:8).  There is no other compassionate love like our God can give us. 

There is more to come on this later in the week.  I have a lot to throw down, but since it is 5:30 in the morning and I can hear the birds chirping along with thunder rolling.  I better go to bed.  Thats a snap shot of whats to come.


much love,


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