Monday, March 21, 2011

6 blogs. 6 nights. night 2.

On Friday night, Shaun and I decided that we were going to go camping.  We were both fed up with the world and one of the ways that we like to get out of the world is to go camping or go out doors somewhere to see the masterpiece of God.  To make it even better, we traveled an hour south and went to our old camp that we served at, Camp Caleb.  We had heard that it was supposed to rain off and on but nothing to bad.  Well, like usual the weatherman was wrong.

After we had been there for a couple of hours it had started to rain.  We decided that after it quit raining we would go put the tent up and prepare for what we wanted to do at night.  To make a long story short we never got to do anything that night but sit in the tent because it came a down pour.  After the rain had put Shaun to sleep, I was up listening to the rain pelt the tent and the thunder clap.  Honestly, we probably should have went to shelter that night with the amount of trees around us but we decided that would be our last resort and would do whatever it took to sleep outside.  To make it even better I didn't have my sleeping bag with me.  All I had was the clothes I was wearing and two blankets on the cold, hard ground of camp.  O wait, it gets even better.  For some reason if the poles are not lined up with the right line, then it will allow water to come in.  The water decided to come in right above my body and no where else in the tent.  I am sitting there freezing, wet and having troubles going to sleep.  There was a time during the night I couldn't tell if I was asleep or if I was awake and when the morning came, I am pretty sure that I slept maybe 2 hours of that night.  During that night it was different though.  While I was praying "God can you please let the rain die off a little so it won't leak in the tent and allow me to get some sleep?"  I felt like God had answered me back.  An answer that I wasn't prepared to hear.  "Jacob, you say you want to minister to the homeless.  You must realize what the homeless go through night in and night out.  What their life feels like." 

I know what I endured was only a night, but it was one of the most humbling things that could have ever happened to me at that moment.  With everything going on in the world that I am fighting with, God is there slapping me in the face saying "Jacob, you feel like the world is crashing down.  I'll give you a night of feeling homeless and lets see who really feels like the world is crashing down on them." 

Talking to a friend the other night, he mentioned that the homeless need a lot of prayer and they really do.  So I am asking you to please pray for the homeless.  While doing that, it would be awesome to keep some friends and I in your prayers.  Over the next 3 days we are going to travel to Louisville and minister to the homeless.  Don't pray that we have a good time in Louisville, but that God absolutely BREAKS our heart for what breaks his.


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