Sunday, March 20, 2011

6 blogs. 6 nights. night 1.

Here lately, I have had a lot of things that have been bottled up inside of me that I just haven't found the time or the right person to talk to them about.  Its not that I am being stubborn because I really get very excited to share this stuff with people but at times I feel that I share to much and then think that whats in my head could be stupid and not make sense.  So sometimes I just don't bother to share and possibly waste someones time.  Happens a lot to be honest and then I just express them on the blog.

Tonight there is two things that are on my mind.  The first thing I want to talk about is the other half of the last blog while the second is about what happened last night. I will only talk about the first one because its already 4:45 in the morning and I want everything to make sense.  Plus, 6 blogs in 6 nights!  It should be good, I have a lot on my mind!

(Tracking back to last weekend)

I had an amazing Saturday night at winter jam and wouldn't have wanted to spend that moment with anyone other than the ones that were sitting right there with me at the moment.  Through out the whole time I couldn't stop but to think about how God has really blessed me with those people (speaking of my family and Lindsay).  The first thing that came to my mind at winter jam was the concept of love.  The second is a couple of questions that I have asked myself over and over again for the past year and you may have asked the same:

"God, is this where I am supposed to be?" / "God, I am tired of fighting and feeling the same way.  Are you sure I am supposed to be doing this?" / "God, why am I going through this if someone could potentially get hurt through this?" / "GOD, WHY?!"

Over the past year I have found myself sitting in the same place, thinking the same things.  The only problem is, when I cry out to God and ask for answers...I get the same answers over and over again.  "Stay / Pursue / Fight / Stick with it."  Not that those answers aren't enough but I am impatient and I like to know things.  What helps with this is Faith.  Although we don't have the answers that we want, we have to realize that God does everything for the good.  Even though it may bring pain at the moment, God is going to guide you in the right path as long as you let him.  Two verses that I like to keep in the back of my mind when having a "question day" is 2 Corinthians 5:7 - "We live by Faith, not by sight." and Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  This is key, we must realize that God is not out to get us.  He is here to give us a future!  No matter the past!  When we realize that Gods watch is not synced with our watch, that is when we can put our Faith in full swing and let God have total control.  Fight and Pray through the rough times.  God is wanting to teach you something where you are right now or is using you in ways to further the Kingdom that you are blind to.


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