Sunday, November 21, 2010

Make War (part #2)

MAKE WAR. MAKE WAR. MAKE WAR. MAKE WAR. I don't know how many people watched the video posted on "Make War (part 1)". If you haven't I will need you to do so before you read on. Honestly, some people may watch that video and not want to read the rest of this post. You may watch the video and automatically think that John Piper (Pastor) is one of those guys who stand on the side of the streets and screams that you are going to hell for all of your little imperfections. You know the guy I'm talking about, the one with the bull horn. The one that no one likes to talk to because he is just going to tell me that I am going to hell and going to burn. The one who I believe gives a bad name to Christianity. I don't agree at all with that style of witnessing. I won't go into full detail about that right now, but I don't agree with it...Where is the love?

Recently, I have been watching a lot of John Pipers videos on Youtube. I have come to realize that I really like him. If you haven't seen his video's, you should check them out. John Piper really brings the pain in his talks. He is very very passionate about what he talks about, thus leading him to turn a notch up on his volume. He reminds me a lot of Paul in the Bible.

MAKE WAR! John talks about MAKING WAR against our sin. He says in there that we need to have a mean streak in our Christian walk. Hear him out, not violence against any one or any thing. But a violence against "every impulse in our soul to be violent to other people". Yes, you heard him right...MAKE WAR against OURSELVES. This goes for every desire in ourselves that we have that leads to sin. The closet sins that we have, that we don't want to tell anyone all the way to the sins that are directly in front of others. MAKE WAR! You really need to take the time to check this video out. This video is something that I try to listen to at least once a day for a reminder. A reminder to MAKE WAR! The last thing that I will point out that John Piper mentions in his talk is something that I find my self guilty of at times.

Piper Mentions:
"If you feel like you are a mean person against others, a harsh person, a critical person...You know your problem...You haven't learned how to MAKE WAR! (piper goes on)...You complain of it and talk about it...but have YOU made war 24/7..."

Seriously, if you haven't watched the John Piper video. Scroll down just a little and copy and paste the URL on Make War (part #1)...



Shout out to Tedashii:


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