Sunday, July 18, 2010

Times Like These

The band "Foo Fighters" has a song out called "Times Like These". Some of you may think, why in the world did I use that as my title of this blog. To be honest with you it has no significance to what I wanted to write about. I wanted this blog to come from the heart, that of which it will. But at the same time I didn't know how I should start it and what the Title of it should be.

I have been in the Dominican Republic now for 3 weeks and 1 more week to go. It is hard to believe this is my last week in the Dominican Republic and even more crazy to think about this time next week I will be back home in Kentucky. As I am sitting here writing on a computer infested with ants walking around on the computer screen and keys, I didn't know what to say or how to start but I believe I have an idea now.

Alot of people come back from oversea's mission trips and they always say the same thing. "It has definitely had more of an impact on me than any other thing in my life." With that, I wanted to say that it is the truth. Being down here and living on the Orphanage property, my eyes have been open to many things. I have definitely been humbled, ALOT. Taking cold showers, sleeping in a tent, and enduring with no A/C has been crazy don't get me wrong but at the same time it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. It has made me realize that we in America are blessed to have what we have.

Seeing the Dominican's down here and partaking in their culture has been a blast. These people are the nicest people that anyone will ever meet. But aside from the Dominican people out in the towns I want to talk about my Dominican Brothers, all 24 of them. Coming down here they have had a huge part of my life. a HUGE part. These kids have suffered loss in their life time at some point. That of which they will never forget. Seeing someone they absolutely love and adore (like their Mother and Father) walk out on them and turn them over to a new place. Instead of these kids having a poor attitude or their spirit being down from their loss, they have the heart of a lion. These kids have the biggest heart. You can't tell that they are sad. They Laugh, they Love, and the play just like any other kid that we find in America. This week for me is going to really hard, having to leave these kids. Some I have grown attached to more than others, but at the same time its going to be hard to leave each of these kids.

As I go into the last week, I just want to throw a couple prayer request. The first is simple, just to pray for the group to finish the race. There is 102 people here this week, that of which we will be going to a bunch of neighborhood churches. There is a lot of interns that are leaving out this week, and a lot of week volunteers. I just pray that we can finish the race this week like Paul talks about to Philippi and to the Church in Corinth. The second is the recent attack on Uganda. For those who may not have heard, last week during the world cup soccer match there was a bombing that took place at a restaurant in the capital of Uganda. It was an act of terriorism that took place and took lives. That of which was 1 american and injured 5 more. I have heard from a recent volunteer, a team leader from a church in New York that those could have been missionaires. I would like to keep them and their families in Prayer because I am sure that is a hard time that they are going through. We don't know why God allows things like these, but we do know that with everything God does, it is for the best. I am sure all kinds of questions will come from this so I pray that people can almost look past the heart ache and still trust in God with everthing.

I am signing off now and going into my last week here at the orphanage. I miss everyone and can't wait to see all of you.

Much Love from the DR,

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