Friday, September 30, 2011

The Middle Class Jesus

I know a lot of people have asked me when I was going to write the next blog.  I always answered with a simple answer, "soon."  The reason why I would answer like that is because I know that God was going to give me words to say...soon.  Whether that was going to be a a couple hours later or a couple months down the road, he would 'soon' give me the words to put on this blog.  The key factor that I want you to realize is this is not my work.  I am not going to try and force words on this blog that are my own to seek out glory to myself.

I was talking with a Brother in Christ a couple weeks ago after church, it has become a weekly ritual that we have lunch.  We usually end up eating pizza at Ci Ci's but this week we decided to go to Penn Station and eat the amazing subs that they have to offer.  Normal Sunday lunch we will talk about each others week and also about Church.  This particular week got deep.  Speaking about what God has been showing to us.  This is a little snap shot of what we talked about...

You may have clicked on this and wondered about the title "Middle Class Jesus".  I am reading "Radical" by David Platt, and he mentions "Middle Class Jesus" in that book.  If you want a good slap in the face then read that book.  I am on Chapter 3 and I can already recommend it to people as a must read.  Back on topic, the reason for the title "Middle Class Jesus" is because I think some people (including myself) have shaped 'our' Jesus into that.  To many times today I hear people rationalizing the "Word" (Reminder:  I am throwing myself in this pool also.  I am not even more Holy than anyone else).  Making it to where the Word conforms to them.  Hearing/Using sayings like "What God really meant was..."  or "I think that God was meaning it like this..." even "It's o.k. for me to do this because Jesus never really said I couldn't".  I hate to admit it but...we are rationalizing the Word.  What I am afraid of is this, taking Gods words and making them into ours...fitting Jesus into the acceptance as a middle class man.  If we believe in 2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is God-Breathed..." then why are we arguing with our God.  God also promises to us that his word is the same today, yesterday and will be forever.  (Hebrews 13:8, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.)  So, if that is true then the words that were spoken into existence a little over 2,000 years ago is still relevant till this day and will not expire.  We/I have no argument when it comes to the "word".  We need to accept it and take up our Cross and fight the good fight.   This is a tough pill for me to swallow, because if satan is good at one thing with me its this.  Rationalizing...molding Jesus into a middle class man where everything that I say...he agrees with, or so I am deceived to believe. <--- Could be the next topic..."Identity"

Much Love,

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