Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election 2016

Today is a monumental day for America.  The anticipation has been one of many feelings for everyone involved.  It is my prayer that whoever our next president is, they not only look to the American people (as a whole) and determine what is best, but most importantly, they seek after the council of the Almighty.

Before I go on further, I want to make a few things very clear:

  • I usually keep my opinions to myself on political discussions (unless asked to share my opinions in a non-judgmental environment).
  • I am not advocating nor endorsing for either party on the ballot.
  • It is ok to disagree with me, this is not intentional to stir up hatred.
May 4th, 2016, "Decisions America Tour." - I, along with thousands others, attended carrying our umbrella's and intentions of praying for our upcoming election.  Without any expectations and an open mind, I stood at the foot of our capital building singing "God Bless America" and taking in the beauty of the moment.  

Quickly after, tour visionary, Franklin Graham took the stage to share a few comments.  His introduction was very quick, you could tell that he wanted to get straight to the point due to the rain and threat of storms moving into the area.  What he said next, I will never forget.

"The Democratic Party can not save America." 

You should have heard the roars and cheering of the crowd.  Many in the crowd had just heard the endorsement they were hoping for. 

"Hold on!", Graham said.

You could have heard a pin drop.

"The Republican Party can not save America either."

With that, he had captivated his audience.  Everyone intently listening to what he felt led to say.  As he continued, he was able to do something that is very difficult to do in our country...especially recently. He had brought everyone together; Republicans and Democrats.  

Before I move on, it should be noted: God created us uniquely, we aren't created to be robots.  We are going to have different feelings, character, beliefs, and thoughts.  It's not going to change.  That is the beauty of how God created the earth and the beings in it.  

For some odd reason, we have adopted this lie (politically speaking), that if someone doesn't see eye-to-eye with us then they're wrong, I'm right and it's my place to correct them so they see things my way; even if it involves physical altercation.  I think we are missing the point as to how America was founded and what elections are supposed to look like.  

Let me ask you, would an election be necessary if we all agreed on how things should be operated in America?  I don't think so, we would all live in harmony with each other.  But, we weren't created this way and America wasn't founded for this reason either.  There was an election that ran from December 15th, 1788 to January 10th, 1789 (we would pull our hair out having to wait that long now) to decide our first President; our leader.  From the beginning, we thought differently and until God calls us home we will continue to do so.  We, including myself, need to get over this and accept it.  It's not going to change. 

Social media is a great tool but can also be very detrimental.  I do check Facebook, Twitter and Instagram regularly.  Recently, I have been disheartened about this election.  Social media has become the platform for individuals to stir up hatred and division concerning this election.  Ultimately, it is not for me to judge and I hope this is not coming off judgmental.  But, we need to heed caution.  I believe some are sincerely posting to help others decide their vote.  But, there has also been statuses and comments that are intentional on stirring up hatred and arguments; to see "how mad we can make others."  This is causing much more trouble than good.  This is causing division.

Whether we like to admit it or not, we are all living in community with one another in The United States of America.  Every four years we have the opportunity and right to vote for who we (personally) think should lead our community.  Sometimes we win...sometimes we lose.  Other times we wish that we could take our vote back and vote differently.  Whatever it may be, at the end of the day we should exercise our right through voting in hopes that America will be better tomorrow than yesterday.  

Like noted above, it is my prayer that whomever our next president is, they look to better the future of America through its people and most importantly the Almighty.  Remembering what we were founded on and where we have come as a nation.  I hope they work towards bringing us all together.  But, we as the people need to stop being the problem and being proactive towards making America better each new day.  One step we can take is voting for who WE (not anyone else) think can lead our nation to be the best it can.  You may say, "I don't like any candidates."  That's ok, I am not too fond of them either.  But, by not voting, we are not helping the cause of making America better tomorrow than yesterday.  

We can no longer enter our voting booths and vote democrat/republican for the whole ballot.  We need to seek our personal beliefs and determine the right candidate who more closely stands up for what we believe.  We don't need to buy into the social media craze of "if you vote republican you're racist" or "if you vote democrat you don't believe in God."  We need to put all of our chips in our own personal beliefs and select the person who we think can better our future as a nation under God. 

Franklin Graham is correct.  Democrats can not save this country...nor can Republicans.  We need to come UNITED even with our different beliefs and not use them to belittle anyone nor sow discord. But, individually seek the council of God the Almighty and come together as ONE and seek after the same council.   


I hope you exercise your right to vote and also pray for our Nation as to whomever the next appointed leader may be.  We make the United States of America...not just one person.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Heaven is for real.

It has been a long time.  I mean a really long time since I have sat behind the computer screen and started to write on this blank page.  I believe it was like 2011 or something like that...crazy.  But, I found myself back on this blog to write on one particular subject that has ate at me for the past few weeks.  Christian Movies.

We are all aware that "Christian Movies" for the past couple of weeks have been on the rise.  One of the best movies I think I have ever seen was "God's not Dead."  Great movie that I would suggest everyone to see, Christian or Non-Christian.  I say that primarily because it answers a lot of questions that we find ourselves asking.  Am I pushing for the Atheist and the Agnostic to go see the movie?  Yes, I am.  Not because I want to be a bible beater and beat it into their heads that they need to come to know Christ, thats not how I like to do things.  But, I think it is good for the soul to see how other people view things.  Do I think Christ is the only way to heaven, absolutely.  Even though I don't agree with Atheist and Agnostics, I still have many people whom I consider a friend, that have crazy ideas about religion.

Am I writing this blog to push "Gods not Dead?"  It wasn't my first thought when I started typing letters on the computer, it just seemed to have come out that way.  What I wanted to come on here and write about is the next movie in line.  "Heaven Is For Real."

Over the past few weeks I have been surprised as to the criticism that this movie is getting (I need to first mention this, I have not seen the movie and do plan to view it for myself).  As I am scrolling through my feed on facebook, I have seen many people post the video of David Platt and what he had to say about the Books.  The video can be found here:


After watching (which I should also note, I like David Platt.  By no means am I trying to bash him.  Please do not think that) and seeing many post from various people bashing the movie and the people who have seen the movie and enjoyed it....Stop it.  There is a couple big things that I wanted to mention.  First off, who are we to say that this kid didn't have an out of body experience?  Are we this kid, No.  Do we know what he seen, No.  So, how can we sit in our Lazy Boy recliner and deny what he experienced?  Paul mentions in 2 Corinthians 12:2-4:

"I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows— was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell."  

Don't be confused, Paul is talking about himself in this instance.  Do we sit here and call Paul a liar?  No we don't, it's in the Bible.  After he gets done describing he mentions, (Jacob Paraphrasing) "that he isn't quite sure what he experienced but God does.  Whether in the body or not...God does."  I mention that to mention this, God knows what this kid experienced and that is all that matters.  If this child really didn't have an experience with Heaven and his father came up with this wild story about it, then on judgment day he will have to stand up and face the Almighty himself.  But, we don't need to sit here and judge for ourselves.  There is a reason why this book/movie came into existance.

The other side of the conversation is this -- "No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heave -- the Son of Man."--Jesus speaking in John 3:13.  I believe that you have to go back to the verse before to get the full understanding as to why Jesus said this, "I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things."  The way I take this passage (and by all means you can have different opinions) is Jesus is saying no one has seen what Heaven is all about.  And, no one will see what heaven is all about unless you lift up his name and receive him as your Lord and Savior.  It starts here on Earth...you will not get a free pass into heaven without believing in Christ.

No one should ever take these books/movies and put them higher than the bible.  There is only one living book in this world and it is the Bible.  That will never change.  Not today, not tomorrow or next week.  It will forever be the Living Word.  But, these other books that people categorize them as "Christianity" are to be viewed as encouragement during a hard time, challenging us in our faith or learning more about what believe among many other ways.  

I will finish off this entry with this thought.  Once again it is Paul in Philippians 1:15-18:

15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16 The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel.y 17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition,z not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.a 18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.

The important thing about this movie is this...Heaven is for real and Jesus lives!

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Middle Class Jesus

I know a lot of people have asked me when I was going to write the next blog.  I always answered with a simple answer, "soon."  The reason why I would answer like that is because I know that God was going to give me words to say...soon.  Whether that was going to be a a couple hours later or a couple months down the road, he would 'soon' give me the words to put on this blog.  The key factor that I want you to realize is this is not my work.  I am not going to try and force words on this blog that are my own to seek out glory to myself.

I was talking with a Brother in Christ a couple weeks ago after church, it has become a weekly ritual that we have lunch.  We usually end up eating pizza at Ci Ci's but this week we decided to go to Penn Station and eat the amazing subs that they have to offer.  Normal Sunday lunch we will talk about each others week and also about Church.  This particular week got deep.  Speaking about what God has been showing to us.  This is a little snap shot of what we talked about...

You may have clicked on this and wondered about the title "Middle Class Jesus".  I am reading "Radical" by David Platt, and he mentions "Middle Class Jesus" in that book.  If you want a good slap in the face then read that book.  I am on Chapter 3 and I can already recommend it to people as a must read.  Back on topic, the reason for the title "Middle Class Jesus" is because I think some people (including myself) have shaped 'our' Jesus into that.  To many times today I hear people rationalizing the "Word" (Reminder:  I am throwing myself in this pool also.  I am not even more Holy than anyone else).  Making it to where the Word conforms to them.  Hearing/Using sayings like "What God really meant was..."  or "I think that God was meaning it like this..." even "It's o.k. for me to do this because Jesus never really said I couldn't".  I hate to admit it but...we are rationalizing the Word.  What I am afraid of is this, taking Gods words and making them into ours...fitting Jesus into the acceptance as a middle class man.  If we believe in 2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is God-Breathed..." then why are we arguing with our God.  God also promises to us that his word is the same today, yesterday and will be forever.  (Hebrews 13:8, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.)  So, if that is true then the words that were spoken into existence a little over 2,000 years ago is still relevant till this day and will not expire.  We/I have no argument when it comes to the "word".  We need to accept it and take up our Cross and fight the good fight.   This is a tough pill for me to swallow, because if satan is good at one thing with me its this.  Rationalizing...molding Jesus into a middle class man where everything that I say...he agrees with, or so I am deceived to believe. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7W4I0tQZps <--- Could be the next topic..."Identity"

Much Love,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

God Speaking

Tonight was another night that I found myself driving at 1 am around Danville.  I don't know what it is about driving around my hometown that puts me in a state of thinking, but it did a good job tonight and it was worth every penny of gas that I used.  I get way to much on my mind and instead of finding someone to talk to, I just drive and talk to God.  I am sure some can relate to this.  One of the thoughts that stuck out more than the rest was a recent conversation that I had with a friend...about Gods will and how we know its Him speaking and not our selfish ambition...

First off, I love having conversations with people when it involves questions of wonder about God.  The conversation I had with this particular person was one that sticks out above every other conversation I have had because I learned a lot through it myself.  So that is where this blog is coming from, I hope this can help you out if you struggle with this like myself.

There is a lot of speculation about God speaking in the world today.  A lot of people will complain that they bring their troubles to God through prayer and he doesn't respond.  Thus, giving them a reason to believe that God has forgotten about them.  Some people can not grasp the fact that God really does answer our questions.  Others have trouble deciphering whether or not the answer they feel they have received is that of their own or Gods will.  While others will ask and not search for an answer thinking God will bluntly come out and give it to them.

To be honest with you, and I will speak amongst many believers and myself, it can be hard to tell the difference between selfish answers and Gods answers.  Speaking for myself and what I want to share with you through this blog is what helps me decide whether of not this is God speaking or myself.

The first thing that helps me decided whether or not God is answering my question or if I am, is how my walk with God is going at that particular time.  If my walk with God is slipping then I know that their is a chance that my selfish ambitions are slipping through.  The reason why I say this is because if we are fixed on Gods heart and really searching the world for what breaks his heart, by spending time in prayer and fellowship along with reading the Bible then our wants and needs turn into his wants and needs for our lives.  But the second that I slip and find myself not searching after Gods heart, I find my selfish ways shining through and not Gods light.  When we are after Gods heart, its like we don't have to question whether or not this is Gods will because it all makes sense and fits right into place.  You start to see what you can't live without!

The second thing that helps me decide whether or not God is speaking is being willing to hear the two letter word..."no."  A lot of people, including myself, will go into prayer and automatically think that what they are asking for will be answered how they want it to be.  I would say 99.9% of the time we are not thinking God is going to answer with a "no."  The main reason we think this is because we know that God wants the best for our life.  And at that moment in time, what we see best for our life is what God is saying "no" to.  Its a hard lesson to learn, to know that Gods interest for our life looks far beyond what we can see.  The reason why we really need to live by faith and not by sight.

The main thing that we need to do is fix our eyes on the cross.  Spend our quiet times praising God though prayer and reading the bible while spending time in fellowship with others.  That is when God shows us our plans for our lives. 

I know this blog came out of no where but I felt like it needed to be written and sent out.  If all goes the way it seems like it is, the next two blogs will be split up.  One for the Ladies and one for the Gentlemen.  This could get interesting...


Much Love,

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Make War, remember that?

Here lately, I have been reminiscing back to the idea of "Make War."  "Make war" has seriously shown up everywhere.  I was reading a book the other night and I'll be darn if in the middle of that book "make war" showed up in it, talking about how we are in a spiritual war.  The author pointed out Revelations Chapter 12 to make his point, of which I will touch on.  Then out of no where John Piper showed up on my iPod.  For those of you who know a little about me, I am a big John Piper fan.  What shown up on my iPod was not a song like some would imagine.  Rather, a clip of his sermon where he preaches about "making war."  At that point I gave in.  Went to YouTube and listened to Tedashii song "make war" which is off of the sermon preached by Piper.  It doesn't stop there.  I was driving home, literally a day after that.  Got to Nicholasville and on Air1 a song came on that I had never heard.  Here are the lyrics:

My foes are many, they rise against me
But I will hold my ground
I will not fear the war, I will not fear the storm
My help is on the way, my help is on the way

Oh, my God, He will not delay
My refuge and strength always
I will not fear, His promise is true
My God will come through always, always

Troubles surround me, chaos abounding
My soul will rest in You
I will not fear the war, I will not fear the storm
My help is on the way, my help is on the way

Oh, my God, He will not delay
My refuge and strength always
I will not fear, His promise is true
My God will come through always, always

I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord
I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord
I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord
I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord
From You Lord, from You Lord

Oh, my God, He will not delay
My refuge and strength always
I will not fear, His promise is true
My God will come through always, always

Oh, my God, He will not delay
My refuge and strength always, always

After listening to the song, I was speechless.  I didn't know what to say or think.  Now, I know that I was in the car by myself but usually when stuff like this happens, by myself or not, I start yelling stuff like "Yeah!  That's what I'm talking about!" or "Man, God is Great!" and even "Praise God!" followed by vicious fist pumps.  I mean come on now, don't act like I am crazy.  You know you do the same.  But at times I would love to see the faces in the the car next to me if they see what I am doing. 

Bringing it all back together, I took all of this as a reminder.  Something I believe we all should be reminded of.  It is easy to get off track and forget that we are at war.  Not just with Satan and his many ways but also with our human bodies and the sin it can produce.  We must be on guard at all times, its no joke.  Its important because when we are off our guard that is when we are at our weakest and we all know that's when Satan is going to strike full force.  Piper mentions in his sermon this: "There is something about war that sharpens the senses.  You hear a twig snap or rustling of leaves and you are in attack mode.  Someone coughs and you are ready to pull the trigger.  Even after days and nights of no sleep, war keeps us vigilant."  This is how we should be 24/7!

It seems that today, I see a lot of church's preach the "feel good" of Christianity.  Which is fine if that is what God is laying on the Pastors heart to preach but what we have to be sure of is this.  That the Christian walk is not all sunshine and rainbows.  We have the Love that is not attainable from anything in this world, but rather in our God.  He will not leave us nor forsake us and like the song states: 

"Oh, my God, He will not delay / My refuge and strength always / I will not fear, His promise is true / My God will come through always, always"

What we need to know is there is another side to the ball game.  One that calls for an all out war, like Piper states.  This is where Revelations Chapter 12 comes into play.  I am not going to state the whole chapter but rather point out the last verses of it (I do however, think you should read that chapter in full to understand where this is coming from).  In this chapter it is all about "war".  There was a war in heaven and it ultimately ends up with the dragon along with Satan and his army being hurled to earth.  It doesn't end there, but rather another war that starts and doesn't end and includes you.  We see this in verse 17, "Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring-those who obey God's commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus."  I promise you this is not made up or I am trying to scare you in any way but rather to show that this is real life and we-are-at-war.

I know this sounds scary to some and others take it as encouragement to fight the good fight.  But through and through realize this, Our God is there to fight for us.  There is nothing that can defeat our God.  Whether it seems that Satan has a foot-hold on you and not letting go or its sin that is creeping up, getting the best of you.  He is their to fight for us and with us, it's when we feel that we can fight this war by ourselves that we start losing battles.  We need to hold on to the truth:  

"Oh, my God, He will not delay / My refuge and strength always / I will not fear, His promise is true / My God will come through always, always"


Much Love

Friday, May 27, 2011

short but full of meaning.

I have fought with this blog for a while now, and I am finally going to give in and just throw it out there for you guys.  It was roughly 3 weeks ago, maybe longer that I was attending a meeting for church and in the middle of it God threw this idea in my mind.  I was so excited that I told the first person that I encountered which was Leanna in the Library.  You can ask her about this statement and she will tell you that it has been a long time since I first talked about it.  You may look at it and think, "wow... that's it?"  Or you may read this and think, "wow, punch in the face".

I have thought of many different ways that I could possibly tie in a story to go along with this statement like a side dish.  But this is the main course and I don't think there needs to be any stories on the side other than the statement. 

While being amongst many people with different gifts in the meeting 3 weeks ago.  I was thinking about the infinite amount of gifts that God gives us.  While thinking about that, I was also thinking about 1 Corinthians 12.  After reading that, it was confirmed that I needed to share this.  So, here ya go:

"You know how people will say: 'I am trying to find where I belong in the body of Christ?'  Well, I don't think its about them finding where they belong.  Rather, accepting where Christ is using them."

We all have dreams and we all have aspirations.  God knows that, don't for one second think that God doesn't.  But what we need to realize is, God's plans for our lives sometimes doesn't equal our plans for our own lives.  So many times I sit back and watch people get upset because they are not holding a position in the Church, at Work, or just in life as a whole.  As I am asking myself this, let me ask you.  Are you fighting where God wants to use you in the Body of Christ at the moment or are you going to let him shine through you no matter the circumstance?


Much Love


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Talking To The Big Man Upstairs ^

I think it is important for me to point this out before I write another blog.  I don't have it all together and I never will.  This shouldn't come as a shock to many of you.  But, I know that there is a lot of people who read this blog across the States and in different countries around the world and have no idea who I am, just the fact that I am presenting "religious thoughts."  I think one of the biggest misconceptions in today's world is the thought that religious leaders (ex: preachers, youth ministers, worship leaders and random Joe's who know the bible back and forth) have it all together and know everything.  The reason why I point this out is because I don't want any of my words belong to me on this blog.  God gets ALL the glory.  Most of the blogs that I write come from experiences where God has shown something to me and the rest God has laid on my heart to share.  I would love to talk to each and every person about my blog but I never want someone thinking that because I write this blog I think I am better than the rest because truth is, I screw up a lot and continue to.  I am human and am learning through this blog also.  You may know but I am now starting to get into the whole twitter ordeal, @jdb407 - follow me.  But I seem to do more reading than I do tweeting.  The other day I skimmed across a tweet from John Piper a preacher from Minneapolis, "No pastor lives up to what he preaches.  If he does, he is preaching too low."  That sums it up right there.  Now on to the blog.

Lately I have found myself asking God for a lot of guidance.  I don't think God has a problem with me asking for that but I began to think a little bit more about it and have come to conclusion that I am sounding very needy.  Which made me think about real life.  One of the things that really irritates me the most is when you only hear from specific people when they have problems.  When things are going good for them they are like a ghost to you but when things are rough and on rocky edges they are by your side asking what they need to do.   You can't help but to ask yourself what your role is in their life.  Which then leads me to ask, whats the role that God has in our lives?  Is he someone that we only talk to when we screw up, need help or a miracle to happen?  Or, is he someone that we talk to as if we are in intimate relationship with him?  Is God someone that we only talk to when things are bad or is God someone that we talk to through the good, the bad and all the time?

"Come near to God and He will come near to you"
- James 4:8

You may argue that having a relationship with God is different than having a relationship with anyone else but I will beg to differ with that.  Yes, God knows everything that is going on in our life and he knew it long before we were ever thought of but if he was a God who didn't care about us then he would have sent his son Jesus Christ to this world let him die for our sins and be done with it.  Instead, He calls us his children:

"Yet to all who received him, to those who believe in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." - John 1:12

God wants to know every detail about our lives.  From the smallest thing that made you happy today to the biggest concern that we may have.  God is a Father that will never leave nor forsake us, he is the ultimate Father who shows compassionate love to everyone.  God wants to be apart of every aspect in our life and just as important God wants to know all about it with our thoughts and feelings.  A true Father wants to know everything that is going on in their child's life,  they don't just want to know what they can do to help but to know about their day, how it went and what all they did.  So, I challenge you as I challenge myself.  Don't just run to God when you are in need or you messed up.  But talk to God throughout the day about anything and everything, he really does care and he really does listen!


-Much Love, JDB