Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election 2016

Today is a monumental day for America.  The anticipation has been one of many feelings for everyone involved.  It is my prayer that whoever our next president is, they not only look to the American people (as a whole) and determine what is best, but most importantly, they seek after the council of the Almighty.

Before I go on further, I want to make a few things very clear:

  • I usually keep my opinions to myself on political discussions (unless asked to share my opinions in a non-judgmental environment).
  • I am not advocating nor endorsing for either party on the ballot.
  • It is ok to disagree with me, this is not intentional to stir up hatred.
May 4th, 2016, "Decisions America Tour." - I, along with thousands others, attended carrying our umbrella's and intentions of praying for our upcoming election.  Without any expectations and an open mind, I stood at the foot of our capital building singing "God Bless America" and taking in the beauty of the moment.  

Quickly after, tour visionary, Franklin Graham took the stage to share a few comments.  His introduction was very quick, you could tell that he wanted to get straight to the point due to the rain and threat of storms moving into the area.  What he said next, I will never forget.

"The Democratic Party can not save America." 

You should have heard the roars and cheering of the crowd.  Many in the crowd had just heard the endorsement they were hoping for. 

"Hold on!", Graham said.

You could have heard a pin drop.

"The Republican Party can not save America either."

With that, he had captivated his audience.  Everyone intently listening to what he felt led to say.  As he continued, he was able to do something that is very difficult to do in our country...especially recently. He had brought everyone together; Republicans and Democrats.  

Before I move on, it should be noted: God created us uniquely, we aren't created to be robots.  We are going to have different feelings, character, beliefs, and thoughts.  It's not going to change.  That is the beauty of how God created the earth and the beings in it.  

For some odd reason, we have adopted this lie (politically speaking), that if someone doesn't see eye-to-eye with us then they're wrong, I'm right and it's my place to correct them so they see things my way; even if it involves physical altercation.  I think we are missing the point as to how America was founded and what elections are supposed to look like.  

Let me ask you, would an election be necessary if we all agreed on how things should be operated in America?  I don't think so, we would all live in harmony with each other.  But, we weren't created this way and America wasn't founded for this reason either.  There was an election that ran from December 15th, 1788 to January 10th, 1789 (we would pull our hair out having to wait that long now) to decide our first President; our leader.  From the beginning, we thought differently and until God calls us home we will continue to do so.  We, including myself, need to get over this and accept it.  It's not going to change. 

Social media is a great tool but can also be very detrimental.  I do check Facebook, Twitter and Instagram regularly.  Recently, I have been disheartened about this election.  Social media has become the platform for individuals to stir up hatred and division concerning this election.  Ultimately, it is not for me to judge and I hope this is not coming off judgmental.  But, we need to heed caution.  I believe some are sincerely posting to help others decide their vote.  But, there has also been statuses and comments that are intentional on stirring up hatred and arguments; to see "how mad we can make others."  This is causing much more trouble than good.  This is causing division.

Whether we like to admit it or not, we are all living in community with one another in The United States of America.  Every four years we have the opportunity and right to vote for who we (personally) think should lead our community.  Sometimes we win...sometimes we lose.  Other times we wish that we could take our vote back and vote differently.  Whatever it may be, at the end of the day we should exercise our right through voting in hopes that America will be better tomorrow than yesterday.  

Like noted above, it is my prayer that whomever our next president is, they look to better the future of America through its people and most importantly the Almighty.  Remembering what we were founded on and where we have come as a nation.  I hope they work towards bringing us all together.  But, we as the people need to stop being the problem and being proactive towards making America better each new day.  One step we can take is voting for who WE (not anyone else) think can lead our nation to be the best it can.  You may say, "I don't like any candidates."  That's ok, I am not too fond of them either.  But, by not voting, we are not helping the cause of making America better tomorrow than yesterday.  

We can no longer enter our voting booths and vote democrat/republican for the whole ballot.  We need to seek our personal beliefs and determine the right candidate who more closely stands up for what we believe.  We don't need to buy into the social media craze of "if you vote republican you're racist" or "if you vote democrat you don't believe in God."  We need to put all of our chips in our own personal beliefs and select the person who we think can better our future as a nation under God. 

Franklin Graham is correct.  Democrats can not save this country...nor can Republicans.  We need to come UNITED even with our different beliefs and not use them to belittle anyone nor sow discord. But, individually seek the council of God the Almighty and come together as ONE and seek after the same council.   


I hope you exercise your right to vote and also pray for our Nation as to whomever the next appointed leader may be.  We make the United States of America...not just one person.