Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Team Jeffrey

Not this past sunday, but the sunday before was an emotional roller coaster for myself. After worshipping at Trinity, I had to make a quick trip down to my hometown of Danville, KY. There waiting for me was a benefit supporting one of my very good friends from high school. Just over a year ago he was in a car wreck that has left him paralyzed. After going through surgeries and coming to a stable condition, the doctors proceeded to tell him that if he didn't walk in the next year then he will not walk again. Jeffrey, who is a father and also found himself in that wreck is not ready to accept it. Just like the Jeffrey I have always known, he doesn't give up.

A benefit was put on trying to raise $30,000 that would cover all of his cost for rehabilitation. Pulling up to the fair grounds I remember being a little nervous. To be honest I don't know what came over me, I never get this way. Pulling into the fair grounds it was almost like I wanted to just let the tears of joy just run down my face. I just couldn't believe what I was witnessing. What looked like 500 vehicles parked outside of the pavilion where the benefit was being held, children running around playing on the equipment assembled some many years ago and smoke coming from the many grills outside was reassuring. Walking inside I luckily caught Jeff giving his speech to the people there at supporting him at the benefit. When he was finished, the unthinkable happened. Coach Little was asked to come and pray over the food. If you know who Coach Little is, then you know he isn't little at all. It is very ironic that his last name is little. To be honest with you, Coach Little stands about 6'4 it seems and as I don't know his weight, lets just say that he is a big boy that you wouldn't want to see in a back alley at anytime let alone past midnight. What he had to say was absolutely amazing. Getting up giving the motivational speech that beats a lot of motivational speeches that I have ever heard, including any movie you may think of. Speaking out of Job, Coach Little made it known that this man. A man of God, was robbed of everything. His family, land, wealth...absolutely everything. After talking in much detail about the situation. Coach Little described Jeff as a modern day Job. Although not everything was stolen from Jeff as in Job, but a lot of it was gone (for the moment). Coach made it known that Jeff was in need, and it was up to us. Black, White, Asian, what ever race you may be, it is time for us to come together as one and help a brother in Christ. This was one of those times that I wish I could have recorded everything that Coach Little had to say. Talking to Jeff after eating what was probably the best BBQ that I have ever eaten, I was reminded the heart that this guy has. One of the biggest hearts that I know. If anyone, and I do mean "anyone" is going to walk after something tragic like this...It will be him. I believe 110% that Jeff will walk again and will be able to coach his son.

After that was over and headed back to the house, I decided that I was going to stay around for a little while. Everyone came over and we had a good sunday meal. As you can imagine I was very full after that sunday was over with. To my surprise, and probably to your surprise (if anyone ever reads this) Extreme Home Makeover came on. Of which I am a HUGE fan of. I love that show. It makes me want to turn the faucet on again and let the tears of joy run down my face. In this particular episode, there was a young man who was a football coach. He was married and had a little boy and a girl. He was recently diagnosed with ALS and wasn't able to do what he use to be able to. All during this episode which was featuring the true Michael Oher and his foster family (The movie Blindside) they gave this man a helping hand, a lift so to say. But I noticed something during this episode. With what this man was going through, he didn't seem to let what was being a hinderance physically, get him down emotionally or spiritually. He just lived for the day. Took one day at a time and what ever came with it, he dealt with it. He reminded me a lot of my friend Jeffrey, who I spoke about earlier. Here is two guys that have been robbed of of walking fluently and they still fight, living for the day and filling up every little second. They don't go through the day feeling bad for themselves, or getting depressed. Not saying that, they are perfectly fine and the thought of never walking again doesn't affect them, because I am sure it does. What I am saying is this. People who are fortunate that we don't have to go through something tragic like this needs to take a lesson from these two. We need to live life, we only get one. We need to take a day at a time, we don't need to worry. We go through our days, our busy days and we miss a lot. We sit on the past and worry about the future thus making us miss what is right in front of us at times. I don't think God programmed us like that honestly. I could be wrong, but to be honest with you. I don't think that I am. Jesus speaks in Matthew stating that:

"So then, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own"

We need to start taking a day at a time before we miss out on something big. Who knows what that may be. But I know one thing. The two that I mentioned, they aren't going to miss out. They are living life to the fullest, a lesson we should take from them and start living like they do. As for my buddy Jeff. From what I heard, he got what he needed and then some. So sit back and pray. Watch a miracle about to happen!